Tootsie - The Musical Tickets
West Herr Auditorium Theatre | Rochester, New York
Tootsie – The Musical is iconic in the theatrical world! You've seen it all over the internet, now you can view this from the comfort of a seat with a great view and tasty snacks on your lap in the fall of 2022! What a perfect night you'll have in September! Hosted by Rochester Auditorium Theatre, Rochester, New York, 'the supreme venue in town' say many visitors, and they're right according to perfect reviews! Tuesday 20th September 2022 needs to be in the diary because word has it you'll be at Tootsie – The Musical! To gain access to this huge event, all you have to do is click 'get tickets'! You'll be singing the hits for days afterwards!
MAGIC. This may be the number one reason theater-goers will pick as an answer to why they go to the theater. When done well, a stage production can teleport the whole place into a different world, and this can create a special energy that you can actually FEEL, an energy that is formed by the bond between the actors and the audience. Those specific moments in that specific place in time will never be repeated exactly because of that bond which is unique every single time, and that experience is undescribeble. It’s magic. And Tootsie – The Musical brings amazing talent, and sensational passion into every performance. In combination with the professional staff of Rochester Auditorium Theatre, your Tuesday 20th September 2022 will be trully memorable. Remember, you are one click away from magic.